Imagine not having to stand at the fax machine while you send quotes, order acknowledgements and invoices to your customers. Instead, do it all from your Accounting/ERP software. For example, in the Sales Order Entry window you can choose File, Send and a pop-up box will allow you to send the quote or order acknowledgement to the ordering contact, ship to contact, bill to contact and/or to the sales rep. You can fax it to some and email it to others. That’s a typical example of the power of the Mail module.
The most common way to implement this functionality is via a Carillon supplied Windows server-side process that interfaces to Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange on the server. GFI FAXmaker for Exchange is the recommended fax server plug-in for Microsoft Exchange. This allows most facilities to have only a single fax server modem and single fax server phone line rather than fax modems/lines for each workstation. For emails, the forms/documents are sent as Adobe Acrobat (PDF) attachments.